
Original 5 Colour VMS

Here at MVIS, we have 9 years of experience when it comes to customer satisfaction and VMS design, which has helped lead the path for us being one of the UK`s number 1 distributors of portable LED units. With highly trained staff on hand who have experience in VMS content design, we can create custom messaging, from alerts to pictograms and everything in between.

Being able to offer 5 colours on our portable VMS units and two colours on our HD Compacts, our units can be programed, so we are able to offer a highly versatile solution to catch the attention of the public, both for onsite and pubic access areas.

Our VMS units are perfect for high speed areas such as motorway works and road closures. Displaying not only wording but also pictograms means that language barriers can be tackled with simple imagery, uploaded in seconds via our mobile and web based systems by us or you as the customer.

Being highly versatile means that our units are multifunctional and are perfect when it comes to displaying messaging and updates to the public in situations such as festivals or markets. Our online gallery shows the broad range of uses that our units have been used for and especially during the last year of Covid 19, councils have been able to take full advantage of the striking displays we can offer and have used them continuously to provide quick updates and information to the general public at a time where knowledge was our most important tool at tackling the last years uncertainty.